The Brothers Karamazov
"Actually, people sometimes talk about man's 'bestial' cruelty, but that is being terribly unjust and offensive to the beasts..."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
or ...Rethinking Damn Near Everything
Let's start by tearing up the current playbook of Anthropology. The following reports by paleogeneticists, if the evidence proves out, could put the lie to just about everything we hold sacred regarding human Genesis.
According to "Researchers led by Paabo, Richard E. Green of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and David Reich of Harvard Medical School compared the genetic material collected from the bones of three Neanderthals with that from five modern humans.
Their findings, reported in Friday's edition of the journal Science, show a relationship between Neanderthals and modern people outside Africa, Paabo said.
"That suggests that interbreeding occurred in the Middle East, where both modern humans and Neanderthals lived thousands of years ago, he said." Associated Press
It is generally agreed that a large group of early humans left from Africa about sixty thousand years ago. We'll call them the Beta People. When they reached Sinai or the Levant; they met another group, the Alpha People, already in long time residence. Precisely nine months later another group was born. We will call them the Crypto People.
Alpha Person (A.K.A. Neanderthal)
Beta Persons (A.K.A. Cro-Magnon) With Crypto young.
The Alpha People had been living for perhaps 250 thousand years in the area from the Levant to Western Siberia, north to Southern Germany and East as far as the British Isles. These two groups apparently began to coexist and exchange DNA.
Perhaps as many as five thousand years later, from roughly Afganistan, a group split off from the main, settled South Asia and finally ended up in Oceana. Much later, a second large contingent skirted below the Urals Eastward; settled throughout Central Asia and ultimately, the Americas. Lastly, a third group continued to drift slowly throughout Europe, settling East of the Urals. All of these groups carried the Alpha (Neanderthal) DNA markers.
In time the later group began to occupy areas inhabited solely by Alpha People and as they continued to fill the area, the indigenous Alpha People melted away and eventually, 30 thousand years ago, disappeared from history. Does this indicate total assimilation, annihilation or were other, still to be uncovered factors, responsible?
In the succeeding eons the European contingent surely experienced an Alpha presence for infinitely longer periods than did the groups who struck out earlier. Therefore:
...the Neanderthals more like modern Europeans, with light skin and hair colour and language abilities..." said Dr Carles Lalueza-Fox, a molecular biologist at the University of Barcelona, in a commentary in Science.
So considering the recent finding of interbreeding between the Alphas and Betas and considering also the geographical area where the potential for cross-breeding lasted longest, should we not conclude that Neanderthal was indeed the First Caucasian?
"While many people think of Neanderthals as very primitive, they had tools for things like hunting and sewing, controlled fire, lived in shelters and buried their dead. We have met Neanderthal and he is us — at least a little. The most detailed look yet at the Neanderthal genome helps answer one of the most debated questions in anthropology: Did Neanderthals and modern humans mate?
The answer is yes, there is at least some cave man biology in most of us. Between 1 percent and 4 percent of genes in people from Europe and Asia trace back to Neanderthals." Associated Press
Question: Much is being made of the slight, 1 to 4%, Alpha (Neanderthal) DNA remaining with us today, as suggesting very little interbreeding occurred. Rather, should we not assume the progeny of this endless mating had a lot more than 4% Alpha DNA originally? And should we not conclude that after all the Alphas became extinct (or were assimilated) the next 30 thousand years of breeding sans Alphas, explains the low remaining Alpha DNA numbers in modern populations? Are we not, then, descendents and heirs of the Crypto children?
That big, not so dumb Troglodyte Alpha, standing in front of his cave throwing stones at the Hyenas, was he not your great-grand pere, at considerable remove?
"The McClintock effect, also known as menstrual synchrony or the dormitory effect, is a theory that proposes that the menstrual cycles of women who live together (such as in prisons, convents, bordellos, or dormitories) tend to become synchronized over time." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Menstrual synchrony seems to be noticeably absent in brothels. Bunny Ranches are open 24/7 year round and each lady is furloughed for one week each month. They don't find it necessary to bring in fresh replacements for a certain week, which would happen if they cycled together.
Therefore, cloistered women and segregated female dormitories may experience this phenomenon because of the absence of men which, of course, is not a problem at the Ranch. Perhaps any large community of women lacking a male presence would have the same result. We don't know yet.
"It is thought to be analogous to the Whitten effect, which is the synchronization of the estrous cycle and has been noted in small animals such as mice and guinea pigs. In contrast to the Whitten effect, which is driven by male pheromones, the McClintock effect is postulated to have only female pheromonal involvement."
"The phenomenon, sometimes referred to as the "social regulation of ovulation," was first formally studied by psychologist Martha McClintock, who reported her findings in Nature in 1971.[1] Another study experimented with 20 lesbian couples had results which showed that more than half of the couples tested had the same synchronization within a two day period of each other." [4]"From Wikipedia
The literature on synchronized female cycling is sketchy, at best. Since Martha McClintock published her initial report in 1972, followed up in 1998, little has been added to the body of knowledge on the subject.
"A prospective study by McClintock in 1998 was claimed to support her earlier findings by showing that underarm (or axillary) materials (collected from female donors), when wiped under the noses of (other) women, influenced cycle length.[2] Odors taken on the day that donors ovulated (and the next two days) delayed ovulation and hence lengthened the total cycle of the recipients. These phase-advancing and phase-delaying effects may show human axillary compounds regulate biological rhythms."[3] Wikipedia
Perhaps the human axillary compounds that most regulate female biological rhythms are of the male persuasion. Any savvy chicken farmer has the answer. If you want more eggs, keep a rooster somewhere in the neighborhood.
Also, we are told that Eunuchs were chosen to guard Harems to protect the serraglio residents from any male attention in the Sultan's absence. Maybe that's not the real reason that un-manned males were chosen. Maybe it was to keep the gals in sync for birth control and amatory purposes by removing all traces of the male aspect . Consider: a bevy of wives and concubines all cycling pell-mell . What a strain that would put on our grandee! Synchronicity would solve the twin dilemmas of wanted/unwanted increases in the nursery and prevent any possible frustration in the amorous proclivity of the Pasha. Maybe he also looked forward to furlough week.
At last, proof. We are a special breed under the sun, a fallen angel, and we are made in the image of...Neanderthal! Is that where our finer impulse, our better nature comes from? Not from above or our native stock; our homicidal, genocidal, holicidal, selves?So here's the deal. According to "Researchers led by Paabo, Richard E. Green of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and David Reich of Harvard Medical School compared the genetic material collected from the bones of three Neanderthals with that from five modern humans.
Their findings, reported in Friday's edition of the journal Science, show a relationship between Neanderthals and modern people outside Africa, Paabo said.
That suggests that interbreeding occurred in the Middle East, where both modern humans and Neanderthals lived thousands of years ago, he said." Associated Press
Keep in mind when our lot straggled out of Africa sixty, or so, thousand years ago, we were newcomers. People were already living in the greater world and had been for tens of thousands of years. So they met. Probably in the Sinai; certainly in the Levant, there's evidence for that. We don't know what was said, or even if they had speech.
But we do know what Columbus remembered of his encounter with the Arawak Indians on a beach in the New World."They loved their neighbors as themselves and that their speech was the sweetest and gentlest in all the world. They would always speak with a smile." Not an auspicious beginning as they were almost extinct in eight years. Whereas it took our gang almost thirty thousand years to do the job in what was arguably the first genocide. Look.
The arrow in the first panel points to the probable departure point when leaving Africa.
Contact was inevitable soon after. The remaining panels show (the dark gray blob) our progress over eons and the light gray, the retreat of the Neanderthals. As you will observe in the last panel the' home boys' cease to exist at all. The universal legends of a lingering foe in secluded places, the yeti, bigfoot,m'ghira. etc. may be racial memories of an ancient pogrom. Thus Sasquatch could mean, "We missed one, get him!"
by Currat, Mathias; Excoffier, Laurent (December 2004)
"While many people think of Neanderthals as very primitive, they had tools for things like hunting and sewing, controlled fire, lived in shelters and buried their dead. We have met Neanderthal and he is us — at least a little. The most detailed look yet at the Neanderthal genome helps answer one of the most debated questions in anthropology: Did Neanderthals and modern humans mate?
The answer is yes, there is at least some cave man biology in most of us. Between 1 percent and 4 percent of genes in people from Europe and Asia trace back to Neanderthals." Associated Press
That the Levant was the scene of all the trysting seems logical. One gang spread out from there to occupy South Asia and then Oceana using one route. Another bunch headed off to Central Asia and ultimately across to the Western Hemisphere. A third migration veered West into Europe. All groups carried the DNA markers for Neanderthal heritage.
If that tiny 4% represents the best of our blood, the fairest of the fair, our highest nature; then the sorry other part explains, well...human history.
A growing consensus among those who study these things is that China will surely go the route of the West, overbuild, overextend and then blow-up. That their central planners have a fear of citizen revolt and therefore use unsustainable GNP growth as a safety fuse. But...
China, by the time Nixon went back home, knew that those Western liberal consumer types would buy all the stuff they could manufacture. In an historical heartbeat, the Middle Kingdom left the third world wilderness, made stuff, sold stuff and saved the profits. Now, it is assumed, the Commissars, deathly afraid of the folks, build city after endless empty city simply as make-work for the minions. Crap! Such a conclusion is pure West-centric jingoism.This is what we are told.
" 1. China Blows UpAndrew Lawrence proposed the Skyscraper Index in the aftermath of the 1998 Asian Contagion. His theory says that the world's tallest buildings have risen on the eve of economic downturns. That is, countries that put up the world's tallest buildings enter an economic downturn shortly thereafter.
There is a lot of evidence to back him up: 1907 panic in the U.S. was marked by the Singer Building; the Great Depression followed the Empire State Building; the Asian currency crisis of 1998 - the Petronas Twin Towers.
The world's tallest building at present is the Burj Dubai, which will officially open on January 4, 2010. As you know, real estate prices in Dubai have been cut in half and their biggest company, Dubai World, just defaulted on $50 billion.
The next tallest building being built is The Shanghai Tower in China - expected to be 2,073 feet tall to be completed in 2014. " WEALTH DAILY
"It seems that China is not playing by the same rules as the rest of the world when it comes to real estate development, China with its $2.3 trillion US dollar foreign reserves has the financial resources to spend without the restrictions of debt financing. It does not have to go out and borrow money to fund its developments.
In China economic growth is not an option, it is a government “strategy and target.” The Chinese Government seems to push these targets with a “cost is not a problem” approach. Developments in China do not appear to be restricted by either their financial or environmental cost.".By Kris Cyganiak
EXIT THE DRAGON"Ghost towns, theme parks and enough empty Beijing offices to fill 35,612 tennis courts: Revealed – what's REALLY driving the Chinese property boom... and why you're staking your financial future on bogus demand.
Chenggong – where there's no one home... Construction of this city in Yunnan province started in 2003. Seven years later this shiny new metropolis teems with pristine high-rise apartment blocks, marble tiled government buildings, state of the art high schools, a large university campus, and a CBD filled with shops, banks and municipal offices. It's got everything except for the one major ingredient a thriving city needs: people! " DailyReckoning
Brand China was a going concern when our folks were painting themselves blue and worshipping a big tree. Consider; the Soviet imploded and that new regime started about the same time China shifted into gear. Any comparison there? Aside from raw material and fossil fuels exports ,what have the Ruskies done financially in the same time frame? For that matter, what have we done except write checks 'pay to the order' of Beijing?
Maybe, when, not if, the Geenback and its pal, the Euro, fall off a cliff, China will go to The People's Plan B, 'B'... for Bye-Bye. " So long foreign devils, you should have saved your money. Now 'China for Chinese' is the new logo of Great Wall Motors Company! Let's see. One billion three of us, billion or so Indians, lots of other Asians...there's Russia, Brazil. All Chinese PhDs come back home now. Business is good. Plenty of brand new houses for everyone. Bye-Bye, broke-ass Nixon people."
Quoth the Raving
Julius Caesar
Veni,Vedi,Vici...Sidi ( I stuck around )
Uncle Sam
....Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
All I know, all any of us know, is what we're told.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
If it walks like a depression, talks like a depression, and looks like a depression; it's a recovery.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
Full scale War in Korea; we called it a Police Action
Police Action in Iraq; we call it a War.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
Ecology is an impending Black Swan quagmire therefore incorporation is anathema to Economists.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
An incoming US President who does not immediately resign his office after having received eyes-only briefings of what's really going on is hopelessly co-opted or delusional.
....Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
We are now a nation of middlemen. What becomes of us if the center cannot hold?
....Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
Why not use some of the red ink to make things Green?
....Zero Gravitas