Probably not, but I've received a touch of it .
The treatment Judge Richard Goldstone received since the release of his committee report on possible IDF atrocities during the 2009-2010 "Cast Lead" Gaza operation was to the nth degree harsher than mine, but even a small dose of hateful tribalism is an attention getter .
"The UN commission which appointed him to head the inquiry into the allegations of war crimes committed during the operation was acting on a seemingly logical but actually foolish calculation. Appointing to the job a good Jew, and an avowed Zionist to boot, would disarm, it was thought, any allegation of anti-Israeli bias."...Uri Avnery, Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom

Anti-Semitism and inhumanity are both evil and despicable regardless of source. As is, to my mind, militant boosterism of any and all actions of a favorite 'cause' no matter how inhumane and biased it may have become. This is particularly so when truth and civility are among it's victims.
Uri Avnery: "The full fury of the Jewish ghetto against traitors from its midst was turned on him. Jews objected to his attending his grandson’s Bar Mitzvah. His friends turned away from him, He was ostracized by all the people he valued."
To be sure, I have not been shunned by my friends nor ostracized as Judge Goldstone was for his efforts. But then I have not recanted, nor confessed I was wrong either. We all must answer for our actions or lack there of; so be it. Goldstone apparently searched his soul and changed his mind. I have not.
For me it was a comment I posted on Slate defending Christopher Hitchens from a vicious attack by Masada 2000 that prompted my banishment. The post in question went up, as all my previous posts had, stayed for several hours...then vanished. Assuming a tech glitch, I reposted...up it went; then soon gone. So it went. Since then nothing I submit ever appears. Alas and alackaday.
As a result of criticism aimed at the Masada 2000 organization,, the most virulent anti-semitic organization since Herr Doctor Joseph Goebbels went out of business, all of my postings to Slate have subsequently been barred.

If you are not familiar with this, Masada 2000, screed, be warned. Their second lede reads:
'Entering a Toxic Waste Zone'
and so it is. In spades.

The situation all through the Levant will fester and boil, more people will die and the distress will continue indefinitely until...and only until, concerned Americans have the courage to risk all wrath and avow, enough is enough and order it... resolved. Look for yourself. View that wretched Masada 2000 site again, or if you have not already done so, do so now; then declare, finally, that things have gone too far. It must begin in America; the Middle East is certifiably bonkers at this point. Hopefully, a trace of sanity can still be found here. Can it?
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