"Wherever there is a class that is to be made content to be plundered of its rights, there is an abundance of fiddling and dancing, and amusements, public and private, are in great requisition. It may also be set down, I think, as a general axiom, that people feel the need of amusements less and less, precisely in proportion as they have solid reasons for being happy."
...Harriet Beecher Stowe. 'Oldtown Folks' 1869
But in America today our rights are not being plundered as much as they are dribbled away or signed away, almost daily. Every Presidential diktat and Court decision seemingly adulterates or reverses values which were hard earned and once considered sacred by dint of having been fought and bled for in the past. The ceaseless erosion of our "unique in all the world" tenet is scarcely noticed by Americans who are in a relentless quest for diversion at any cost.
The latter is provided us pell-mell by a media so enamored of fame,power and earnings that it is wed to the establishment and daily utter hosannas. A wholly corporatist amalgam that echoes resoundingly from on high. Every new arrival in modern communications is sooner or later co-opted by government decree or corporate fiat. When done in this fashion over generations, it becomes a snap to go to war without permission; cast half the population into penury and spy on fellow citizens at will, without raising a whimper.
While the nineteenth century to us may be quaint and stodgy seeming, and fiddling and dancing seem tame amusements; the analogy is apt. Mrs. Stowe's general axiom regarding the search for amusement taking the place of happiness is O so telling in our world. What would that brilliant, perceptive Yankee author make of Prozac, Viagra, 3-D and Brazilian Body Waxing our, somewhat less than solid, attempts at being happy? Or would she understand intuitively that one manifestation of unhappiness does, indeed, lead to increasingly bizarre others?
Would she then, with wisdom and kindness, offer her sympathy and hope we would soon see the true cost of rights plundered and liberty in default?
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