I am told: E=mc2
I am told: The world was created in 7 days.
I am told: There are 8 Planets in the Solar System.
I am told: I may be reincarnated as a gnat.
I am told: Neanderthal made tools and used fire.
I am told: A baby was born of a virgin mother.
I am told: It is 92,955,807.3 miles to the sun.
I am told: I have a guardian angel.
I am told: Hydrogen is the lightest element.
I am told: The Red Sea was parted to permit foot traffic.
I am told: The number of rings in a tree tells its age.
I am told; The cow is a sacred animal.
I am told: The world will end this year.
I am told: 144 thousand people will be saved.
I am told: Piffle is spelled with two effs.
I am told: Masturbation causes hair to grow on your palms.
I am told: God loves me.
I am told: New York City is in New York State.
I am told: A man once returned from the dead.
I am told: The cheetah is the fastest running land animal.
I am told: To the Hopi, the Great Spirit is all powerful.
I am told: The New York Times prints "All the News That's Fit to Print."
I am told: The majority of Muslims are Sunni.
I am told: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
I am told: The Buddha became enlightened after 49 days under a fig tree.
I am told: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
"THE TRUTH is... anything you agree with."