The Brothers Karamazov
"Actually, people sometimes talk about man's 'bestial' cruelty, but that is being terribly unjust and offensive to the beasts..."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
P.O.W., right in the kisser!
During WW2 over 400,000 German troops including officers and the dreaded Waffen SS political troops were locked up in 500 camps scattered throughout the United States. Another 51,000 Italian soldiers were confined as well. These were battle-hardened, highly trained combat troops including many from elite units. The Nation managed to do this quite successfully while fighting on countless fronts throughout the globe; with strict rationing on the home front home and at the same time incarcerating thousands of Japanese civilian suspects as well.
Today, we face a near collapse of national will and a total vote rout in the Senate at the prospect of a few hundred pathetic specimens being incarcerated here on American soil if the horror show at Guantanamo is abandoned as the President proposes.
What on Earth has happened to us all? Has five decades of exporting our mischief abroad totally emasculated the American psyche? This country, along with most of the world, faces an unknown and possibly foreboding future. If the prospect of dealing with a tiny rabble of foreign operatives who are already in custody and pose no threat is enough to provoke such fear, how can we ever deal rationally with real threats to our safety?
Quoth the Raving
Julius Caesar
Veni,Vedi,Vici...Sidi ( I stuck around )
Uncle Sam
....Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
All I know, all any of us know, is what we're told.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
If it walks like a depression, talks like a depression, and looks like a depression; it's a recovery.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
Full scale War in Korea; we called it a Police Action
Police Action in Iraq; we call it a War.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
Ecology is an impending Black Swan quagmire therefore incorporation is anathema to Economists.
...Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
An incoming US President who does not immediately resign his office after having received eyes-only briefings of what's really going on is hopelessly co-opted or delusional.
....Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
We are now a nation of middlemen. What becomes of us if the center cannot hold?
....Zero Gravitas
Quoth the Raving
Why not use some of the red ink to make things Green?
....Zero Gravitas
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