The Brothers Karamazov

"Actually, people sometimes talk about man's 'bestial' cruelty, but that is being terribly unjust and offensive to the beasts..."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What Ails China...?

Or...take off those funny hats, the party's over.

China anticipates having a surplus of millions of single men unable to find women because of the imbalance caused by gender preference. Fifty years of a one child per family policy has produced a bumper crop of...testosterone.
Good luck with that.

It's a fifties rerun in the Middle Kingdom and the cruisin' has begun. Picture this scene out of "Chinese Graffiti" where forty million single dudes in spanking new SUVs cruise endlessly trying to pick-up, get this, NO chicks! Now that they produce more cars than the US the bumper stickers could shout, "What's Good for Great Wall Motors is Good for China!".

The menu may soon include, after a too many Saturday nights of striking-out, a midnight road trip to Macao or maybe Hanoi, wherever joy, or at least, relief, may be freely purchased. "Donkey Show" to follow! Sensing the regime's Confucian bent, and allergy to civil unrest, it may soon send observers to Nevada to see first hand how "Bunny Ranches" can be made to flourish in the Gobi Desert.

All in all, the old guys who run things in Beijing should look around the world, especially here, to see where all this 'progress' might lead. Instead of benefiting from seeing where we stumbled they seem determined to end up the same way, broke and confused. Nobody ever learns, it's our charm as a species and may bury us yet.

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Quoth the Raving



Julius Caesar

Veni,Vedi,Vici...Sidi ( I stuck around )

Uncle Sam


....Zero Gravitas

Quoth the Raving

All I know, all any of us know, is what we're told.

...Zero Gravitas


Quoth the Raving

If it walks like a depression, talks like a depression, and looks like a depression; it's a recovery.

...Zero Gravitas

Nice paint job

Nice paint job
Watch your step!

Quoth the Raving

Full scale War in Korea; we called it a Police Action
Police Action in Iraq; we call it a War.

...Zero Gravitas


Gene Pool?

Gene Pool?

Quoth the Raving

Ecology is an impending Black Swan quagmire therefore incorporation is anathema to Economists.

...Zero Gravitas


Quoth the Raving

An incoming US President who does not immediately resign his office after having received eyes-only briefings of what's really going on is hopelessly co-opted or delusional.
....Zero Gravitas

Quoth the Raving

We are now a nation of middlemen. What becomes of us if the center cannot hold?

....Zero Gravitas

Quoth the Raving


Why not use some of the red ink to make things Green?

....Zero Gravitas

"Ashes to Ashes"

"Ashes to Ashes"